●What is LYN?
LYNは"Love Your Neighbor"の略です。
・LYNは、クリスチャンアーティストのMayuko Shonoが描いた作品やデザインしたものをグッズにして販売しております。
・LYNの商品を購入すると、売り上げ利益の一部はLYN Giving Teamが行なう奉仕活動の資金に充てられます。
●What is LYN Giving Team?
LYN Giving Teamは、神様の愛を伝えることを目的に、マスク不足で困っている施設や個人の方へ手作りマスクを届ける活動など、その時に必要な奉仕活動などを行っています。
LYN Giving Teamの活動内容について詳しく知りたい方はInstagramのアカウントをご覧ください。
●Who is Mayuko Shono?
Mayuko Shono ( 正野 真侑子 )1992年、東京都目黒区で生まれ育つ。
【English Translation】↓
●What is LYN?
LYN stands for "Love Your Neighbor" as yourself which comes from the Bible verse Matthew 22:39.
・LYN sells artistic apparel and original designs created by Christian Artist Mayuko Shono.
・When you buy LYN products, 5% of the your purchase will be donated to the LYN Giving Team to fun ministry activities.
We started with the aim of delivering God's love to as many people as possible and are continuing to reach out in new ways to people around the globe.
●About the LYN Giving Team
The LYN Giving Team conducts necessary service activities such as delivering handmade masks to facilities and individuals who are in need. The heart of our mission being to spread the love of God.
For more information on the activities of the LYN Giving Team, please visit our Instagram account.
LYN Giving Team Instagram ID: lyn_givingteam
●Who is Mayuko Shono?
Mayuko Shono was born and raised in Meguro-ku, Tokyo Japan in 1992.
From the age of 16 she studied art and language in the United States for nearly 10 years.
She decided to follow Christ as her only savior and got baptized in Portland, Oregon in 2011.
She returned to Japan in 2018 and has been working as a Christian artist to spread the gospel ever since.